[s-cars] Donkeyitis - A tale of luck and lug bolt laxity

Joan & Paul WeSki at icubed.com
Tue May 6 23:35:02 EDT 2003


I just bought my wheel bolts from ECS Tuning.  My after-market Milli Miglias required longer bolts - 35mm in length compared to the stock 25mm.  They run about $2.25 each.  ECS Also has different sizes - 32mm, 40mm, and I'm not sure what other sizes.  There is also a place in Washington that I came across on the web that has a great selection of bolts for the URS but I can't remember their url - :(

95 S6 (mit longer wheel bolts in the summer)

> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Donkeyitis - A tale of luck and lug bolt laxity
> Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 16:14:16 -0400
> From: "Walsh, Edward" <edward.walsh at agedwards.com>
> To: "'iduff at rcn.com'" <iduff at rcn.com>
> CC: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Ian,
> He says thanks for the help.
> Of course, the question is, what size tap?  The lug bolts are ?mm , so the
> tap should be ?mm
> I was also thinking that I should buy slightly longer lugs for the RF hub as
> well. With longer lugs, I could access some fresh threads deeper in the hub.
> I am fairly certain the my after market rims are thicker between the conical
> "seat" of the lug surface and the back of the wheel vs. stock, so
> accommodating a longer lug bolt shouldn't be a problem.
> Anyone know where I can buy a longer lug bolt?
> Thanks a million, Ed
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Duff [mailto:iduff at rcn.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 3:49 PM
> To: Walsh, Edward
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Donkeyitis - A tale of luck and lug bolt laxity
> I'd be tempted to get a correctly sized tap, and chase the holes clean. The
> torque setting is intended to stretch the lug bolt a consistent amount,
> yielding a consistent clamping force. If the hub holes clean out, there
> should be no change in the clamping force as a result of this cleaning. The
> lug bolts are what's stretching, not the hub holes. BTW, you might want to
> advise "your friend" that not only was he lucky, but also fairly astute to
> both notice the situation in time, and then creatively rectify it without
> causing further damage.
> -Ian Duff.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Walsh, Edward
> Sent: Tuesday, 06 May, 2003 12:50 PM
> To: 's-car-list at audifans.com'
> Subject: [s-cars] Donkeyitis - A tale of luck and lug bolt laxity
> Let's just SAY you knew someone who didn't properly torque their RF wheel
> after installing Summer rims.  Let's continue to say that this person was
> doing 80mph entering a left hand sweeper on the highway when he or she felt
> a severe shimmy in the front end.  This person pulled over and, much to his
> or her horror, discovered that the RF wheel was being loosely retained by
> only 2 of its original 5 lug bolts.
> After puking in the woods, this person noticed 2 of the lugs had fallen to
> the ground only 5 feet from where he parked.  Inspection of the lugs reveled
> severe thread deformation/nonexistence at the length where it enters the
> hub.  This person borrowed a lug from each of the remaining 3 wheels,
> secured them to the RF wheel, and made his way to the dealer to buy 5 new
> lug bolts.
> When I get home I remove the borrowed lugs from the RF and notice that they
> too are now somewhat deformed.  When installing the new lugs into the 3
> holes originally found vacant, I notice that they don't just spin in freely
> like the others.  In fact, only 2 lugs snug up well (but with resistance)...
> One lug will just spin with little resistance in the hub hole...  So
> obviously I've some damage to the hub... which I would assume means that the
> overall hub to wheel tension is low (bad), even though the 4 lugs are
> torqued to 85lbs, as I am torquing the lug to hub, not lug to wheel.
> What is the best way for this person to rectify the situation?  New hub?
> Can the threads be repaired?
> I'll pass any information along as this person is a wee bit humbled,
> Ed
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