[s-cars] Cause its long, the Thursday funnies ... anyone had a tail light SUCKED up into their trunk?

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Thu May 8 11:56:14 EDT 2003

This is long enough, it'll probably be Friday by the time you discover.....

1. the "real" reason / think tank & scientific research behind Hap's search
for true RAIS; or

2. Just when you think UrS4/6's owners excessively pamper & obsess over
their rides!



Be Stay away from the Pacific Northwest.  Far, far away from the Pacific
Northwest coast!

Say, I see we've had a lot of front corner lights blow off, but Hey.  Anyone
had their tail light sucked up into their trunk lately?

Mike Now afraid of the Northwest Coast

  * to cut to the tail light chase just do a page search for "tail" or

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