[s-cars] wrt pushing RS2 to the edge...

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Fri May 9 17:03:13 EDT 2003

As some of you may already know, I recently took the
plunge into RS2 territory and I love it, but the
logical side of my brain keeps telling me something
isn't right here.

I have RS2 turbo, MAF, injectors, exhaust manifold,
etc. and see spikes of up to 28 psi.  Yeah, 28.
Everyone that I talk to about this says it's probably
a bad idea to be spiking that high on stock
compression (9.3:1?) and no racegas.  I will soon be
doing water injection, but there are gurus around here
that might be able to sooth my convictions.

What cfm does the 7200 RS2 Turbo flow?
How do I find out if the timing is getting pulled back
due to AIT's being too high?
Am I going to be looking at a head/motor rebuild next
year (Yay, time for pauter/carillo and JE to go in

I know, guys like Bruce M and Bill and Bob and Frank
and others have has this setup for a while, but is
this thing going to ride the knock sensors over time
and kill this motor in the long run?

Joe, looking for a better (read: more efficient) way
to make power on this setup before blowing up block
and starting over, Pizzo

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