[s-cars] Battery Charging

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Sun May 11 04:44:52 EDT 2003

Well, the first thing you do is remove the battery. Then check the
electrolyte levels -- heavy charging boils off the water in the
electrolyte and can expose the plates. Top off with distilled water as
needed, recap, bump a bit to burp it, recheck the levels and start
charging again, this time outside the car (keep rechecking the fluid
levels each couple hours). Keep an eye on the battery charger gauge --
it should read progressively smaller and smaller charging over the
hours as the battery approaches full load (if it doesn't, your battery
is deceased -- go buy a marine battery instead).

Also see related postings in the past three days that I had concerning
batteries with Clayton... I had an email crash & lost the messages, or
I'd send 'em over to you (perhaps you'd be so good Clayton).

=-= Marc Glasgow

Chris  Wrote:
I had my S6 in storage for about 6 months and of course the battery is
This is a brand new Audi battery that was installed about 9 months a go.

I cant seem to be able to charge the battery. I have placed the battery
recharger clamps both directly on the battery and on contact points
under the

Everything comes on, but when I crank all I hear is clicking. I've
waited the
whole day. I've even tried different chargers.

What do I do now?


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