[s-cars] One Lap Saga Concept 2004

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue May 13 22:51:42 EDT 2003

I'm game for that too :-)


At 13:39 13/05/2003 -0600, mlp qwest wrote:
>Well, Bruce as I recall a year or so ago one of the teams included a least
>one "adult film star" of the female persuasion as co-driver.  I guess if
>you're going to have "mixed teams....." it might as well be fun .... whole
>new meaning for turning a hot lap  :-o
>~-----Original Message-----
>~From: Bruce Mendel
>~I like mixed teams.....I think it'd be sad to divide the list into
>~continents....let's stick with what we all have in common, the S-cars!

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