[s-cars] EVO not all it claims to be...

Clayton Howes linksvu at hotmail.com
Fri May 16 01:44:34 EDT 2003

I am sorry to burst your bubble about the praise for the EVO 8, but the STI
is the one to go for.  Dan is mistaken when it is taking about the three
controled diffs, that is not the case for the EVO.  The EVO has an open dif
in front, an LSD center, and pressurized LSD in rear, and non are controlled
by the driver.
In the case of the STI, that is the truth.  Subaru has what is called the
"active" drivetrain where the driver has the opportunity to lock all three
LSD or leave it to the computer.  In which case, the conputer decides which
wheels and/or wheel to spin and which to not.  It does not leave it to
chance or what ever wheel begins to spin in the case of the EVO.  The STI
can sense if there is braking involved, accelerating, or anything along
those lines.  The EVO can not (in the US version, the TRUE EVO that is not
being imported has a more advanded driveline).  With that, STI is far beyong
what is offered in the EVO.
And lets not forget that the STI also has an in-car water sprayer for the
intake.  I would trust the STI over the EVO anyday....

CT  "look at what Audi has started..."  Howes

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