[s-cars] 53K mile S4 for sale/oops, S6

steve powers steve at thepowers.net
Sat May 17 12:27:46 EDT 2003

Dave cautions:

>  Correct, Doug, S6 sedan.  My bad.  Used to typing S4, cuz
>  that's what I gots. I'm sure I'll take a beating on that one
>  :-) Also correct, more like Avant pricing.  But it is real
>  nice.  Nice enough that if it had black interior instead of
>  ecru, my next project would have been to take all the mods
>  off of my car and put them on that one. Reasonable?
>  Absolutely not.  I'll post to all the next time I do
>  something reasonable to my car.
>  Dave, exercising restraint in Columbus, Ohio

mere minutes away from a wealth of good information (and bad influence)



Steve Powers

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