[s-cars] Mid-door trim...

Kirby Smith kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Sat May 17 16:30:55 EDT 2003

These trim pieces, going at least back to 90qs, are a design outrage.
For a few cents more the inner stiffener could have been made of
stainless steel and replacement would only be needed if damaged or
unbearably faded.


Clayton Howes wrote:
> The mid-door trim on my driver's rear door off of my 92 S4 has come off.  It
> turns out, as I was taking it off, the entire thing is full of little rust
> shavings/pieces and that is why it never fit on there correctly.  I also, in
> the process, broke a few of those clips.  The dealer quoted the clips @ $.87
> and the trim piece $60+.
> Would anyone happen to have this trim piece from the 92-94 range in good
> shape?  The clips I will get, but the trim seemed a bit high for that little
> piece.  Also, has anyone put one of these on before and made sure that is
> will stay?  The clips seem a bit untrustworthy outside of a factory install.
> Could there also be a way to clean the current on I have out?  Not sure,
> just seeking everyone's suggestions and ideas....
> CT  "Hoping no one can see the missing trim piece"  Howes
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