[s-cars] Re: FINAL: 95.5 S6 wont start due to a bad ECU

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat May 17 18:52:06 EDT 2003

Go look on eBay, there are a few boneyards there advertising ECU's for
just about anything for around $150.  A net search should bring up some
companies offering to rebuild yours or ready to go rebuilts.


Christopher Gharibo <cgharibo at usa.net> writes:
> The saga finally ends with a diagnosis. It's the ECU. My
> inappropriate
> charging of a dead battery I am sure did it.
> Who can reliably fix this unit? Any info here would be appreciated.
> I am considering doing a Stage I ECU upgrade while I am at it. Of
> the many
> tuners noted on the S-cars site (ABT, Anderson Motorsport (MTM), IA,
> Hoppen
> Motorsport, Wetterauer, Total Audi Performance, Superchips, etc) is
> there a
> consensus on which one is the best for everyday driving.
> Which of these tuners also has the ability to repair the ECU?

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