[s-cars] TR : [audi20v] RE: German Alloy Wheel Group Buy

Vincent Fregeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Wed May 21 23:22:04 EDT 2003

Would a 17x7.5 30mm offset wheel fit on our car. I really like these
wheels, and the price too!


-----Original Message-----
From: XXX [mailto:really at idontgivearats.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 8:10 AM
To: Audi 20V
Subject: [audi20v] German Alloy Wheel Group Buy
Importance: High

I'm putting together a not-for-profit group buy (mainly to lower my
for some Alloy wheels.
4x108 und 5x112
Pictures and details are here http://20v.org/gb
Which will be the location of whatever the latest 20v group buy be !
If you have questions don't email the list.


PS Arranging a group buy ? Make the html and send it to me.

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