[s-cars] Front Seats In 1994 S4/ Performance Advice

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Mon May 26 09:24:27 EDT 2003

Well, congratulations on your purchase.
You cane to the right place I can tell you.
I don't know if there are any bolster as you specified, but I don't think
the seats have ever been much of an issue.
I quite sure there have been many pregnant women in these 'shotgun' seats
with out complaint.

As for performance upgrades....
As the old saying goes around here, go bury your wallet. Once you start it's
hard to stop.
There are still lots of bone stock s4 / s6 cars on the list, but the
modified ones... well the sky is the limit.
You can chip your car, and get very levels of very reliable and drivable
performance increases.
You can put bigger turbo's on, there is the RS2 turbo, some Garret hybrid's,
and some all out BIG turbo's
You can do full RS2 conversion, or somewhere in between.
Heck I know of a few guys who bored and stroked it :)
Then there is suspension mods, the list just keeps going and going.

You will hear words like 'Group Purchase' used around here, if your read
about one... STOP. delete the email :-)
It will only get you in deeper. But alas, I do think it's all just the
inevitable evolution of the beast.

All the above aside, they are great cars, the require special care and
attention. If you don't listen to there needs you will end up with some
troubles, but give them what they need and they will never let you down. And
wait until you try them in snow :-)
WOW, that's fun.

Enjoy your ride, and go bury that wallet.

Mark S
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Greaves" <da5150_2000 at yahoo.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 8:06 AM
Subject: [s-cars] Front Seats In 1994 S4/ Performance Advice

> Hello everyone!  Having just purchased a 1994
> Pearl White S4 with 75k miles, I am new to the s4
> craze and audi enthusiast movement in general.  I
> actually backed into this vehicle somewhat, as I
> traded a 1998 Corvette back to the same guy I had
> bought it in hopes of getting a more baby friendly
> car.  Little did I know, that instead of ending up
> with a boring ES300 Lexus or something else, I ended
> up with a wonderful sporty sedan instead.  I love the
> vehicle.
> 1)  That being said, even with a 32 inch waist I have
> to say that the seats, with their stiff bolsters take
> a little getting used to.  I am actually worried about
> my wife, as she gets bigger during pregnancy, having
> difficulty riding shotgun with me.  Has there ever
> been an insert or some other bolster sold that can be
> easily placed in an S4 seat that would lessen the
> restriction that the side bolsters provide?
> 2)  If someone were looking to add 25 to 50 horse to
> an S4 and perhaps a bit more torque, is there a way to
> do this and spend say 500 or 600 bucks and not affect
> the longevity of the engine?  My first thought was
> chip, but that would be new territory for me both in
> terms of understanding the long term consequences as
> well as understanding what else, besides the chip
> addition, would need to be added to the car.
> Any thoughts are welcomed and I am excited to be a
> part of the S4 community.  Any folks from atlanta on
> here? It seems to be a largely northern crew!
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