[s-cars] 'Rex Blows' at autospeed.com
mlped at qwest.net
mlped at qwest.net
Wed May 28 03:25:12 EDT 2003
Re: Stebro vs. Stromung Exhaust
If yoiu decide you're interested enough to take on some of the mapping etc.=
a place to start might be here, REex Sucks Part II.
FWIW, if I read him correctly, in rough round numbers the author suggests t=
hat in a 94 WRX making @ 10 psi of boost at redline 7,000 rpm, he's pushin=
g @ 17.5 psi in exhaust manifold pressure PRE turbo, roughly 8.7 psi post =
turbo using theOEM single 2&3/8th inch OD plumbing. The switch to 3"OD & =
some muffler massaging droped him from an estimate 10 kPa @ 3,000 &< rpm to=
0 measured back pressure, and a reduction in his MAXIMUM backpressure from=
@ 60 kPa (8.7 psi) to 20 kPa (@ 3 psi). As a result of all this, he THINK=
S he picked up @ 12 kW (135 vs 121 or 123) or 16 to 20 bhp. YMMV & OTOH, =
FWLIMBW in early poorly insturmented attempts on my part to try to get at l=
east SOME kind of stock exhaust back pressure info (i.e. post trubo) I don'=
t think I ever saw the pressure gauge hooked in at the OEM sniffer point ex=
ceed 3 psi on a STOCK exhaust system. Does anyone else have any better #'s?
M Pederson
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