[s-cars] s-car list double SCAM "RE: Anyone know this European "trader""

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Thu Nov 20 04:41:14 EST 2003

At 11:33 PM -0500 11/19/03, Douglas Landaeta wrote:

>You should all go check and reset your audifans password. Might be
>coincidence, but after opening the first of these messages, I recieved an
>email from the S-car-list-request at audif.. It was a Welcome message with a
>new password - someone had popped in there and set up a new password - I
>quickly changed it again and did my 'emergency routine' of changing just
>about everything else. I was suspicious of the subject heading as well...

That's because we switched servers and didn't preserve any user 
preferences.  The 'new' password was auto-picked randomly when you 
were re-subscribed.

Never use a password you care about for list stuff.  The mailman 
interface SPECIFICALLY warns you of this IN BOLD:

"You may enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild 
security, but should prevent others from messing with your 
subscription. [BOLD]Do not use a valuable password[/BOLD] as it will 
occasionally be emailed back to you in cleartext."


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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