[s-cars] snow tires

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Thu Nov 20 15:51:39 EST 2003

No experience with them Kirby, only the old guardex, which is, along with the 
graspics, a pretty fair value for the money.

In a message dated 11/20/2003 9:42:14 AM Central Standard Time, 
kirby.a.smith at verizon.net writes:
As a point of curiosity, Scott, have you ever compared the [Yoko]
Guardex 600s to Blizzaks.  Like the Blizzaks, the Guardex tread blocks
are microcellular foam.  Unlike the Blizzaks, they are [supposedly] foam
all the way down, and reinforced with nylon fiber, with claims of having
micro studs.  At a minimum this provides significant life extension. 
Anyway, I've used them for some time on my 90q, and they work well on
ice and hardpack.  

When the snow is falling though, I use my S6 with the Q's.


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