No subject

Thu Nov 20 11:46:45 EST 2003

and pressurized the entire system - this would pressurize the oil pan and
prevent leakage through the turbo seal. I wasn't eager to take a chance on
blowing the rear oil seal with 20 psig air pressure, so I tried isolating
everything and just pressurizing the intake hoses and intercooler with the
resultant air leak through the turbo seal. I could get the system up to 7
psig, but that was it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at]
Sent: November 23, 2002 10:52 PM
To: Fred Munro
Cc: s-cars
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Help with Pressure testing

Fred:  Don't like the sound of this (so to speak).  I thought about the
but said, "Nah, would be that".  (If it is, it may be RS2 time).  I will
the S-gruppees as you suggested.

Dave F.

Fred Munro wrote:

> Hiya Dave;
> The air is going past the turbo cold side seal, down the turbo oil return
> tube and into the oil pan, hence the smell of oil and the pressure at the
> cam cover spigot. Is this a problem? Couldn't tell you. My UrS4 did it
> I tried this test (I had the throttle body hose plugged) and although I
> polled the list, I never did find out what kind of a seal is in the turbo
> i.e. should it hold air pressure without oil pressure behind it or
> it.
> You may be able to pressurize the system ( and the entire engine) by
> the cam breather hose connected - I didn't bother, I bought Samco hoses
> instead :o)
> I'd suggest polling the list to see if others can get the system to hold
> pressure with the cam cover breather hose removed and plugged. If they
> maybe both our turbo seals are pooched :o(
> Let me know what you find, Dave!
> Fred Munro
> '94 S4
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at]On Behalf Of Dave Forgie
> Sent: November 23, 2002 5:13 PM
> To: s-cars
> Subject: [s-cars] Help with Pressure testing
> S-gruppees:  It finally stopped raining here in Vancouver and the sun
> came out (after it burned off the fog).  I decided to pass on lawn
> mowing and finally pressure test the intake hoses on my 93 S4.  I built
> an inlet hose plug from a suitably sized tin can and a Shrader
> (Shroeder?) air valve.  I knew that I had to plug the cam cover breather
> so I removed the hose from the cover (at the front of the engine) and
> used a champagne cork (and the gear clamp) to plug the hose..  Started
> Test No. 1 - couldn't get any pressure but smelled oil.  Put finger over
> the metal cam cover breather tube.  Slight pressure.  Decide that I need
> to plug something else.  Figure its the bottom hose on the idle
> stabilizer valve (ISV).  Remove and plug hose with a wine cork (and the
> gear clamp). (Note: all corks were previously used and not fresh from
> the bottle).  Test No. 2-  nothing.  Not a sausage (as the Brits say).
> I either have a problem with my test apparatus (I am going to find a
> plastic plug for the big end) OR, more likely, I am doing something
> wrong.  Do I need to also remove the hose from the throttle body and
> plug it?? I had assumed that there was no overlap on the cam lobes and
> all cylinders were "sealed".  Seems like this could be my mistake.  Any
> BTDT's (where is the tech FAQ on this??)???  Help!  (Please).
> Dave F.
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