[s-cars] Boost Gauge, Pods, Autometer IC guage

Igor Kessel igor at s-cars.org
Sat Nov 1 09:11:02 EST 2003

Joseph Pizzimenti wrote:

> They do make 2.0 bar units (~30 PSI), you just don't
> see them there because it's predominately a Subie
> website.
> http://www.omori-na.com/

Joe, ma man, I'd stick to the trusty german VDO brand if I were you.
Read this:

"Please be advised that our manufacturer in Japan has made a decision to
no longer supply the North American market with products and additional
parts. The manufacturer has informed us "There is no need to worry about
customer service, guarantees, dealership, promotion, etc." This is
incredibly frustrating for us as we are here to provide products and
support for the North American market. Unfortunately, when the
manufacturer demonstrates that it has no interest in supporting the
North American market any further, we are left with angry customers who
are owed products, backorders that cannot be filled, warranty claims
that go ignored, and no inventory of products to supply.

At this time it needs to be made clear that Omori Meter North America is
in NO WAY responsible for the situation that has transpired. The
management of our manufacturer in Japan refuses to respond to our
requests and demands for products we are owed. They show no interest in
supporting the North American customer base we have developed. We have
worked hard to provide all of our customers a tremendous level of
service, but without manufacturer support we are left in a hopeless

With the due apology to my friend Taka, I must admit that the Japanese
manufacturers sometimes leave me speechless with their arrogant attitude
towards the American consumer. I myself had contacted Omori several
years ago, complemented them on the outstanding gauge design, stressed
that at the time they were the only gauge maker on the market to offer
the smallish 1.5" DIA gauges and asked about the shipping and payment
terms. All in all I must have sent 3 to 4 e-mails to the address
provided on their .jp web site. Not one of them (!) ever received as
much as a one line answer.

I can't help recalling my correspondence with Fumoto Engineering about
the fitment (more like the lack of) of their valve into the 1.8t 20v AEB
engine and the numerous thread and size and model number errors in their
Audi applications and their missing out on a potentially huge market of
the 1.8t engined cars. Basically I was told that I had no idea what I
was talking about regarding Audis :), and that the 1.8t engine was never
installed in the Golf, the Jetta and the Bug, and that the '96-97 S6
never existed on the face of the Earth and that in the S6 the oil drain
thread was 12mm. Later on I found that all of the errors were quitely
corrected, and the threaded adapter for the 1.8t engine was finally
being offered.

On to the gauges.
My mailbox is awash with requests to send the pics of the A4 Autometer
pod with the white-faced VDO 150-206 installed into it mounted on the
A-pillar of my UrS6. Perhaps either Jimmy or Darin would consider
posting those pics on their respective web sites for everyone to see?

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros

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