[s-cars] anyone know this car...

thomas.pollock at amd.com thomas.pollock at amd.com
Tue Nov 4 12:55:22 EST 2003

Hi all,

hey a buddy is looking at this car.  Is the owner on the list or does anyone
have any info on this car ?  Anyone in this area that could take a quick
look see ?  He's seriously thinking about buying sight-unseen, which would
scare the sh!t out of me....


thanks in advance,

 |  _______                                                   |
 |  \____  | Advanced        Tom Pollock                      |
 |  /|   | | Micro           thomas.pollock at amd.com           |
 | | |___| | Devices         Voice: (978) 795-2534            |
 | |____/ \|                 Fax:   (978) 795-2555            |

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