[s-cars] Gas Gauge problem - need advice

The CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Tue Nov 4 21:31:16 EST 2003

I recall seeing this a couple years ago -- search the archives for the
exact details... If I recall correctly (and I may not), it goes like
to reset, you have to reset the power to the computers by disconnecting
the battery for 20 minutes with the tank full, then drive your typical
tank range before refilling (carrying a gallon or two as spare in the
trunk is wise in case you run out). This is said to reprogram both the
level system and the estimated range system.

Naturally, you should check for a bad sender before doing this (using a
multimeter), in case it's a electro-mechanical fault.

=-= Marc


My gas gauge is dropping to empty too soon and isn't registering full
after filling up, it has only gone up to the 3/4 mark.


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