[s-cars] RE: Riff's dyno pants

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Tue Nov 11 17:02:48 EST 2003

Just don't get a pant draw string
caught in one of your cart wheels
COW-a-bunga boy, ...
or you could be a Wahooee
doing an Isadora Duncan
san's balles  :-) Mr. (if we can't use your 1st name) Bundee

~-----Original Message-----
~From: s-car Bill Mahoney
~To which I must say;  I resemble that!
~And also answer to Mahooee;)
~Or WildMahooee
~Or Bologne
~Just don't call me Al.
~Amongst other things.
~Bill M  -Kart racing again tonight

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