No subject

Thu Nov 20 11:46:45 EST 2003

galvanized but the later - 85 to 87 - were. I don=92t see how my CGT would
have resist 5 winters with paint chips the size of a dollar bill - I
won't comment on the 5 years with paint chips - on the hood if it was
not galvanized. After 5 years of salt and snow, I had only surface rust.


-----Message d'origine-----
De=A0: s-car-list-admin at
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at] De la part de William Perron
Envoy=E9=A0: 11 nov. 2003 08:55
=C0=A0: s-car-list at
Objet=A0: [s-cars] AAN 20VT in 4000CS

4000 series cars were not galvanized, thus it is
getting harder and harder to find really nice
I'm sure they are still out there though. As far as
the inteior goes- I think the "quattro script"
interior was only available in 1987 models, but it can
be easily put into an '85 4ksq, or an '86 4kcsq if a
better example of one of those years comes along.
They are pretty much identical from '85-'87.

There was someone in germany(I think) who put the urq
flares on a 4kq.  I can't seem to find the link right
now, but I think that like you had guessed- blending
the rear flares into the bumper didn't look quite

I'm sure the 20VT AAN could be done, but I'm betting
the 3B would be easier.

Sounds like a cool project.

-Bill Perron
'85 4ksq
'95.5 S6 Avant
  Paul wrote:
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 20:38:13 -0700
From: Paul Park <Paul.Park at Colorado.EDU>
To: s-car-list at
Subject: [s-cars] AAN 20VT in a 4000CS?

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I was day dreaming today about a black on jacquard
sport satin 4000CS
today. It had the euro lights, the UrQuatro flares and
a mean 20VT
under the hood.

Assuming I decide to ditch the UrS4 one day, and keep
the engine, is
the 4000 a feasible car to put the 20VT in? How hard
would it be to fit
UrQuattro flares? How would I match up the rear bumper
to the flares.
Does the 4000CS also have galvanized steel to prevent

How much would it cost to put my 20VT, direct ignition
and all, into a

Pictures would be appreciated.

-maybe ditching the UrS4 for a Porsche, and having a
4000 for a winter

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