[s-cars] Frederic has a new job? (Transport Minister gets ticket)
Frederic L'Huillier
flhuilli at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 16 18:00:47 EST 2003
The current government is using speeding has a false excuse to explain the
high rate of deaht on french roads. Where the real reasons are drunk driving
/ poor training. Anyway it is a great way to get more money for the state...
>From: The CyberPoet <thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net>
>To: s-caR-List at audifans.com
>Subject: re: [s-cars] Frederic has a new job? (Transport Minister gets
>Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 02:18:33 -0500
>"The radar initiative is part of a campaign by the centre-right
>government to try to curtail the carnage on French roads, where roughly
>8,000 people die annually - more than in any other European Union
>country. The campaign has included stepped-up police checks against
>drunk and speeding drivers."
>IMHO (and it is humble, when it comes to the French), their accident
>rates have to do more with the following than their speeding:
>(A) Less than ideal car inspection standards and road-worthiness
>standards -- I've seen unbelievably beat up cars trolling the roads
>there. The headlights around the area surrounding the city of Bitche
>(which I've often driven, spelled "Bitch" on German road signs) are
>particularly horrid, with 1 out 10 burned out and 3 out of 10 dim or so
>lens covered in dirt & grime as to look burned out. Doesn't help
>pea-soup fog permeates the area much of the year at night.
>(B) The wonderful wines that seem to go with every meal. Not to mention
>the before-dinner aperitif, the after-dinner... you get the idea.
>(C) Long, open roads with little traffic, large amounts of fog and poor
>road maintenance (combined with poor line & edge markings). Throw in
>unexpected farm traffic (including wandering cattle, manure spreaders),
>and those poor headlights and it just gets worse...
>The difference becomes glaringly apparent if you drive on any back
>country road from back-woods Germany into back-woods France -- it's
>like a harsh line was laid and everything beyond it in France was
>muddled by some abstract artist who left his water color paintings in
>the rain.
>=-= Marc Glasgow
>PS - trying to find the Bitche? Great place to spend an afternoon
>visiting the citadel, and drinking at night with the local French Army
>Brandon Macintosh Mac Consultant Tampa Florida FL
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