[s-cars] Question About Chip Options

Martin, Gary G MartinGG at aetna.com
Fri Nov 21 21:09:55 EST 2003

Well, from hangin around this list for awhile, here is my observations
and opinion. First of all, Mihnea is one source for your quest. Active
on this list and good reviews from what I have heard. Secondly, TAP has
a less than stellar reputation. Probably most popular are MTM 1+ and
also Ned Ritchie at www.intendedacceleration.com. I have Ned's 1+ in my
200 20v. Very progessive, with about 22psi boost. MTM 1+ is more on/off
light switch type power with maybe a bit more boost. No personal
experience here. In my S4 I have a Wetterauer (www.chiptuning.com) also
very progessive with 21psi boost. Most stage 1 chips with no other
changes will yield about 50 HP gain. HTH


-----Original Message-----
From: Mihnea Cotet [mailto:mik at info.fundp.ac.be]
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 8:23 PM
To: David Greaves; S-CAR-List at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Question About Chip Options

One piece of advice, stay away from Superchips! They don't know anything

about programming a Motronic ECU, they just raise security maps,
the fuelling to over 20% over stock mixture and alter boost by means of
stiffer wastegate spring because finding the maps in the boost chip has
be too complicated for their highly skilled, top-notch (ahem) engineers.



At 14:18 21/11/2003 -0800, David Greaves wrote:
>I am thinking about buying a chip upgrade, b/c as a
>former 98 Vette driver, I miss a 100+mph quarter mile
>car bottom line, plus I would like to minimize some of
>the power lulls I have found with my 94 S-4.
>I see that there is Superchips, MTM, and TAP.  I
>notice that TAP is significantly less expensive.
>Whats the difference? And when considering the bang
>for the buck aspect, (Id rather not spend a ton of
>money) which is the better route to go? I have read, I
>believe from the UrS4 site, that the TAP renders less horsepower, but
>still brings on gobs of torque at boost.  Furthermore, does anyone have

>any  sense of the 0 to 60 times I can see using the respective chips
>above and with K and N filter on each one?
>Finally, what are the real concerns in terms of car
>wear when chipping the s-4?  I dont want to replace a
>tranny because of this!
>thanks for all the help you can offer
>David Greaves
>Atlanta, GA
>1994 Pearl s-4 w/83,000 miles.
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