[s-cars] Question About Chip Options

FvAMI at aol.com FvAMI at aol.com
Mon Nov 24 12:18:27 EST 2003

In a message dated 11/24/03 5:22:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
mik at info.fundp.ac.be writes:

> I have a "Superchipped" RS2 ECU on my desk that if you knew what it 
> contains, you'd be pulling your hairs! The fuel chip contains only rubbish 
> (the car runs worse than stock with this supershits ECU) and the boost chip 
> is stock. BTST (been there seen that) on loads of other S2s and S4s 
> initially superchipped, but possibly the US S4 chips aren't the same????

Maybe the US branch is better than the British? That may be a first for a 
British company ... O.K. I am going to get killed for that comment.

Keep in mind this is back in 1996/7 - I ended up sending Superchips back 
because I expected more. I ended up buying Lehman Stage 1 and TAP traded me his 
Stage 1 to have Stromung measure my exhaust ... what ever happened with that 
relationship ... I think Stromung is selling the exhaust on his own ... getting 
off topic.

Compared to the MTM (269 PS) they are very tame.  Compared to the original 
Lehman Stage 1 (2.5 bar) and TAP they are also a bit tame but slightly more 
torque below 3000 rpm ... the Hoppen MTM (269 PS) came out shortly after in the US.

6-7 years later of course there are more than just a hand full of better 
solutions out there ... but they should have improved as well. The RS2 boost 
profile is in similar locations to the UrS4 ... well it depends if you have 1992 
software or later (US). So seems odd that they didn't even bother to bump that 
up 0.1 bar in certain locations ... 
even if they didn't know what they were doing.

Maybe they got sloppy or indeed they try harder in the U.S. There are others 
who have used them in the past here that seemed content with what they got ... 
if I recollect they have also gone to major horsepower increases and still 
were happy with the original stuff they got from Superchips.

Best regards,
Feico van der Laan

Best regards,
Feico van der Laan

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