[s-cars] silver paint

Olek polek at gmx.net
Wed Nov 26 09:50:33 EST 2003

I am glad it worked for you. I also use clay on windshield to remove contaminants from
there and allow wipers to work better with less wear. Three important things here:

1. DO NOT use clay on paint after it touched glass - period. It contains some very
abrazive particles after cleaning the glass. What particles - try to guess ;)
2. Use small clean pieces of clay on glass and throw them away often. Glass does not get
scratched as easy as paint, but once it is scratched, you can't polish it away.
3. DO NOT use clay on mirrors. It will leave gazillion of tiny scratches there, and damn
are they visible! Ask me how do I know that ;)

AFAIK clay is what they use on glass after audi cars are unloaded from ship - that is
about the only way to safely remove railroad dust particles that got embedded into glass.

BTW - is s-car list alive? I have not got any emails from it for the last
4 days - it seems to be abnormal.


On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Igor Kessel wrote:

> Olek wrote:
> > First - about clay. Fact 1 - yes, clay do contain abrasives. Fact 2 - they are very fine
> > abrasives, not like a sandpaper, more like a very fine polish, like SMR ( 3m swirl mark
> > remover). Clay is removing contaminants from the paint (including overspray) not because
> > of its abrasiveness (it just help a little) but because of it stickiness. Said that I must
> > still agree that claying is slightly dangerous procedure and I would not reccomend it to
> > everybody. Dirt particles that are accumulating on clay ARE scratching your paint to some
> > extent. I never was able to be done with claying and have perfect finish - some light
> > polishing is always in order. Said that claying is the only way I know to remove that
> > nasty buildup of embedded contaminants that is going to appear on a daily driver no matter
> > what. Is that removal nessesarry? Who knows ....
> Olek, I've done exactly that, with some astonishing results. I was
> trying to remove the tiny embedded dirt nad tar particles from my both
> perl white cars before giving them a pre-winter coat ov 3M wax. Nothing
> seemed to work. Even the paint prep solvent. I am not even talking about
> the petrolleum distillat based tar removers. And then I recalled your
> post about the clay... Awesome.
> Now the A4 doesn't want to start, after having been washed and not
> started for 3 days. Damn condensation. But that's for another list.
> --
> Igor Kessel
> two turbo quattros

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