[s-cars] NAC-lotus Elise at stealership

Frederic L'Huillier Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com
Thu Oct 2 16:32:34 EDT 2003


Happy you made back safely.
I see you enjoyed the 'Ronin' part of my "Paris by night" tour !
The tunnel we went at high speed was the one underneath Arc de Triomphe.
I believe we were at over twice the speed limit. But again I am sure...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Bonnet [mailto:jimbo at sco.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 4:17 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] NAC-lotus Elise at stealership

Frederic L'Huillier wrote:

>>>Passing a truck at any speed is like betting your life.
>To those of you yet to experience it, riding ANYWHERE with Fred is
>chancing the touch of the Reapers' scythe.
>>>>>You are a wimp. Many people from US have survived and don't
>complain. Of course they are from US, you are from UK. The last lucky
>one who has not recovered from the joy of such experience is Jim from

Not only did we survive but its all captured on video. I think the best
part is blasting thru a tunnel is paris and Frederic yelling "7000 RPM
V8" sunroof popped, windows down.. It was fabulous!

or- another favorite, someone in the backseat asks as we are blasting
thru traffic in paris "How fast are we going?" Frederic replies "I don't
look at the speedometer, it's a matter of safety"

aaahhhh the fun of it all....

regards- and thanks again for the ride :)

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