[s-cars] Seeking advice on '94 S4 purchase

Jim Bonnet jimbo at sco.com
Thu Oct 2 10:22:39 EDT 2003

Sean Douglas wrote:

>Good question on the transmission, maybe another lister can shed some
>light on the pinion bearing problems.
>There are a couple of listers in the Boston area that could probably
>point you to a good mechanic. Ray T, are you there?

 From what I understand on this tranny repair subject unless the shop
has done these tranny fixes and has the correct tools it's not worth
your time trying to fix them. The solution for most people seems to be
the 6spd upgrade.

However that said you can hear the problem readily and I don't think its
a hard failure, yet its an annyance while driving. My 93 doesnt exhibit
the problem (although that said..... murphies law) and has 101,000 miles.

93 //s4 : no whines
87 gti : so noisy that you cant hear yourself think
00 passat : whines from the passenger seat and backseat

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