[s-cars] leaking plug on ps pump
Vincent Frégeac
vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Thu Oct 2 21:52:43 EDT 2003
Dealer have a kit with a new plug and seal, something like 25$. Do not
use regular O-rings, they won't last. To remove the plug, you'll need a
socket which looks like a very large flat screwdriver end. I used
Unitool UT-9605. Napa carry a similar part. Mine had to be grinded as it
was a bit too large for the plug. You can try also a quarter hold in a
vise grip or the largest flat screwdriver you can find. It worked on my
90Q20V but I had to buy the socket for the urS6 as the plug kept warping
quarters but did not move.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de Mike Platt
Envoyé : 2 oct. 2003 20:14
À : Scar
Objet : [s-cars] leaking plug on ps pump
Just got back from Indy F1 and noticed my fluid was
low. The top plug is leaking all around while engine
is running. I'm out $25 in Pentosin 11s already.
Anyone had any luck replacing the top plug on a
leaking pump? If so, who's got the tool and seals? I
could do this on the car.
Mike P
95.5 S6 avant
75 911 Carrera targa
74 914 2.0
99 Ducati ST4
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