[s-cars] FS: chip upgrade

chad clark chadaclark4 at msn.com
Thu Oct 2 23:55:26 EDT 2003

Hey gang,
I will be going through a few changes with the S4 and need to upgrade my
software. Therefore, I have what most people would call a stage 1 chip
upgrade for sale. I've been running these particular chips for almost 3
years now and have been more than satisfied with the additional power they
have provided. Car hasn't missed a beat this entire time. I purchased them
from a reputable local Audi tuner who, btw, will be upgrading my new chips,
and they basically raise boost from the stock boost levels(13-14lbs?) to
18-21 lbs depending on overboost/conditions. $250 and I'll be happy to
answer any questions. Thought I'd try here before they go on e-bay or
elsewhere.  Send me a line if interested. Thanks,

Chad Clark
Boulder, CO
(303) 641-5848

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