[s-cars] Stopping - Tire patch questions

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 3 07:46:04 EDT 2003

Just as a FWIW on tires, contact patches, braking,
ABS, blah, blah, blah...
Two winters ago, when I had my 18x* Fuchs w/Pirelli
Snowsport 210's and went on a spirited drive, I was
surprised at how the brakes did lock up in comparison
to the higher threshold I experienced with the
255/40/17 S-03's.  Yup, locked em up and ABS didn't
kick in at all.

Joe P
--- Linus Toy <linust at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Richard wrote ...
> > I don't know if I follow you on the modulation. On
> my car w/o
> > anti-locking brakes modulation is important. But
> on my S2
> > with anti-locking brakes on the car I don't
> understand the
> > need. You can stomp on the brakes as hard as you
> want and the
> > electronics do the modulation for you i.e. keep
> you at or
> > near the threshold. Or am I missing something as
> usual?
> For 90-95% of the people/time, I agree...ABS does
> the necessary modulation to
> keep from locking up the brakes, leaving the driver
> with directional control.
> BTW, I'd put myself in the 90-95% of the people.
> What the big brakes do,
> though is make the heavy application of brakes less
> of an on-off switch,
> crossing you over into ABS mode.
> A practiced, skilled driver can beat ABS stopping
> distance results, at least
> for the ABS systems on cars of our era (though I
> can't speak to what's on later
> cars--technology has surely improved since the early
> 90s, hasn't it?)
> ABS systems are not likely programmed to take the
> car to the very threshhold of
> maximum braking effectiveness...in large part (I
> believe) due to the many
> variables to contend with--road conditions, tire
> compounds, brake pad
> differences, production tolerances, owner
> maintenance & skill, etc.  If the ABS
> system were programmed right to the limit, one of
> these things a bit beyond
> tolerance might result in a locked wheel and lower
> directional control.
>   _____
> Linus Toy, linust at mindspring.com, Mercer Island, WA
> For Sale:  '91 Audi 200q, IA ///+, big red brakes,
> H&R, Bilsteins, more :)
> www.mindspring.com/~micarnut
>   _____
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