[s-cars] leaking plug on ps pump

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Sat Oct 4 15:18:18 EDT 2003

Earlier, Igor Kessel wrote:
> Mike Platt wrote:
> > Just got back from Indy F1 and noticed my fluid was
> > low. The top plug is leaking all around while engine
> > is running. I'm out $25 in Pentosin 11s already.
> > Anyone had any luck replacing the top plug on a
> > leaking pump? If so, who's got the tool and seals? I
> > could do this on the car.
> Mike,
> I've done it on a couple of cars. Piece of cake. No need to remove the
> pump.
> You'll need:
> Kit 026-145-541
> Drag link socket
> Torque wrench

There's a writeup of the repair on this web page, along with the
NAPA part number for the drag link socket:


    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
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  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features
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