[s-cars] Re: S-CAR-List digest, Vol 1 #1880 - Leg Length (was Lotus Elise at St ealership)

Richard Tanimura richard at tanimuras.com
Wed Oct 8 09:14:16 EDT 2003


I guess it depends on how fast bones grow, but it sounds like it put your
dancing on hold a while :=)


you're in luck.  you can have your legs lengthened.  i imagine you can
have them shortened as well, though i suspect that's not going to be as
popular.  some orthopedic surgeons are certified to do the leg-lengthening
procedure.  my brother's talking about getting the certification.  it
essentially involves creating a break in the femur and/or tibia, and
supporting the separated pieces with screw-adjustable braces.  an
interesting characteristic of bone is that if the broken edges are
close to each other, they'll grow toward each other and heal the break.
too far apart, and they won't.  so the bone is in effect broken and
re-set a few millimeters apart.  every day, as the edges grow toward
each other, you adjust the braces to space the edges apart again.
as i recall, you can get an extra 3-6 inches of height this way.


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