[s-cars] Detonation - I think

Richard Tanimura richard at tanimuras.com
Fri Oct 10 21:26:17 EDT 2003

I am getting a rattling sound like dried peas being poured onto the floor -
when there is some load on the engine (4th and 5th gears, from half to WO
throttle). If I back off throttle, the sound disappears. As long as I use a
light foot, there is no rattling sound. This is a first for me but it sounds
like the way I have heard detonation described.

This is something that has popped up today and I can't think of anything
except something restricting fuel flow or low fuel pressure.

1. Can this be anything other than detonation?

2. How can I check flow? How much fuel pressure should I be seeing?



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