[s-cars] Difference between the 90S and the CQ

Dan B berar at sprint.ca
Thu Oct 16 18:09:22 EDT 2003

Forgive my ignorance, but isn't an Audi S2 simply
a CQ/90 already with the AAN 2.2 turbo engine?
Or is it something completely different?

What is the advantage of owning an S2/CQ conversion
as compared to an ur S4/S6?


Dan B

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Frégeac" <vfregeac at sympatico.ca>
To: "'Clayton Howes'" <linksvu at hotmail.com>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:28 PM
Subject: RE : [s-cars] Difference between the 90S and the CQ


Here is the difference, pros and cons, AFAIK:
Pros 90-91 CQ - Cons V6 90
- This swap have been done so many times on a CQ there is a list about
that, but I haven't seen one on a V6 90 - doesn't means it haven't been
done or it's not feasible.
- The CQ is lighter but it may be only due to the V6 on the later 90.
- The CQ with a B4 hood is much nicer than a 90 - I know, it's a matter
of taste.

- Both cars have center torsen, lockable rear diff and open front diff
- I think both cars have foldable rear seats

Pro V6 90 - Cons 90-91CQ
- The design of the suspension on the V6 90 is more refined
- The 90 have for doors - is it really a pro, it's a matter of taste

I think, except if you're an expert of engine swap or you know someone
who has already done several swap of 20VT in a V6 90, you should go with
the CQ as there much more knowledge to share about this swap.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de Clayton Howes
Envoyé : 14 oct. 2003 00:21
À : s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : [s-cars] Difference between the 90S and the CQ

Hey knowledgable list guys,  I have a quick question for anybody that
answer it.  I think my next project is going to be taking either a
90 Sport or a 90-91 Coupe Quattro and putting in the AAN donor I will
probably have here soon.  It seems that it can be done, althought not
easy.  So if anyone has a bit of light to share on that, much

However, my questions is this:  between, say a '94 90 and the 91 CQ,
what is
the true difference?  I believe the CQ still has the locking rear diff,
my 92 S4 does.  However, doesn't the CQ have the Torsen center diff (not
exactly sure)?  If so, does the 90 have the same?   Any other driveline
difference's?  Can do the the same mods between the two; the AAN w/ some
parts and a CRB?  Does the rear seat fold down in the 90, or at least a
pass-through?  Anything else I should know before I go looking?

Thank you in advance for your help...

CT Howes

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