[s-cars] Re: Big Red Rear Brakes

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Mon Oct 20 10:09:25 EDT 2003

Yes Elijah he had them for several years.  I believe it was after the Mid OH
excitement in 2000 that they got deleted.  In fact, I spoke with him directly
about it just this year at Grattan, chuckling with him about the view from the
back of a 4000lb car sideways hot!  I also specifically asked about the rear
bias valve, knowing full well that it most likely wasn't modified.  IME, the
easiest Bias valve to install is the Tilton 7 position, but when it's set at
full restrict, it's just another pretty looking piece of hardware to an
unnecessary upgrade.

On Fishers' car the Alcons aren't as high profile as the 2B Reds he has on
there now.  He also lost the front Alcons due to a few stuck bleeder screws.  I
got that call last year....


Scott Justusson

In a message dated 10/20/2003 8:01:36 AM Central Daylight Time, Elijahallen92
I have driven that car and been around it for the past eight years and never
saw him put big brakes on the rears. Was this just for one event or something?


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