[s-cars] Indiscretions and Big Red Brakes all over the place(long)

CaptMagu at aol.com CaptMagu at aol.com
Wed Oct 22 19:02:07 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

It never ceases to amaze me how these threads can start with someone sharing
a little joy in their s-car life. I apologize to all for being the genesis of
this latest round of verbal slinging. When I shared with you all the simple
joy I felt in finally completing a long and difficult modification, I certainly
did not think it would come to this.

I like my urS-4. I always have. I bought this car new in 1993 and have
thoroughly enjoyed driving and modifying it. Since I haven't bought another car for
this over 10 year period of time my wife does not object to the money I spend
on it. My insurance and licensing expenses are also really cheap. I also like
the stealth appeal when thinking of our friends in those police cars. They
never bother me. I like having a luxurious car that can fit 5 people comfortably
and can also run with almost anything on the road. Yes, I street race a
little. That's the key here. I've been building a street car that I CAN take to the
track. When my car does go to the track it has harnesses for both front seat
occupants, track tires, and track pads. It also has a conservative driver that
takes conservative lines and late apexes. I know exactly how much I have
invested in this car and I will not be arguing with any walls. My wife would really
object to me doing this again.

I would like to have a track/race car and I will have one in the coming
years. I will also never stop modifying my s-car. We all have different priorities
but this car matches my needs exactly. Well, almost. That's why I will never
stop the mods. I get a great deal of satisfaction with planning and completing
a difficult mod. I also enjoy sharing it with all of you guys.

I believe someone also said that I was crazy to do the Happersized rear sway
bar. Something about finding myself or anyone else that did this mod off the
side of the road. Well, its been on my car for over a year and no off road
excursions yet. There are also 30+ others enjoying the handling that this mod
provides without any of those excursions either. Thank God Pizzo sold his s-car!!!
Call me crazy, call me eccentric, but don't call me a fool.

Hap, lookin for mods in LA not Everboost, Maguire

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