[s-cars] Pads for Big Brakes - Seat Harness

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 29 20:23:34 EST 2003

--- CaptMagu at aol.com wrote:
> As far as the harnesses I have just mounted a set of 4 point 3" Sparco
> harnesses for both front seats. I have the 5 point set-up but without a front
> seat that will accept the 5 point I'm only running 4 points.

you really should run the anti-submarine belt.  its purpose is not to
snag you by the 'nads as some people believe, but to ensure that the
lap belts stay down over your pelvic bones so you don't get soft-tissue

bolt a beefy piece of steel between the front seat mounts, and attach
the anti-submarine belt to that.  wrap the anti-submarine belt over
the front of the seat.  it'll keep the lap belts down.

> I am using the rear seatbelt mounting points to secure the shoulder
> harnesses.

that might create too much angulation of the shoulder belts, which increases
your risk of a spinal injury resulting from compression.  does somebody
sell a harness bar that attaches to the B-pillars of the UrS4?


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