[s-cars] Optima Battery- What Model ?

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 2 19:33:59 EDT 2003

Get the red top and install it backwards.
That's what I, er, um, I made Matt Russell do back
when he was still on the Right Coast.
All I, I mean he, had to do was cut the cables
slightly (measure twice, cut once) to allow the right
to be on the left and vice versa.  I can take pictures
and post them if someone likes, but that would require
me getting off my fat Eye-talian ass.

No problems to date, only solid 3 crank starts and no
fires yet, so if that's "monkey boy-in' it", call me a
gorilla (or call Matt a pipe smoking chimpanzee)

Joe "da Gorilla" Pizzo
--- Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Mark Pollan" <mark.pollan at mci.com>
> > To: "S-Cars (E-mail)" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> > Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 7:38 PM
> > Subject: [s-cars] Optima Battery - What Model?
> >
> >> .  I do recall reading that Optima makes a good
> battery
> >> but cannot recall the model to use.  If anybody
> would be so kind to
> >> provide
> >> info/commentary it would be greatly appreciated.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Mark Pollan
> Mark,
> I don't have a good answer.  The web site is no help
> and the store I
> tried , Batteries Plus, was ambivalent.  I had an
> orange top in my 5K,
> but it's no longer offered.  I think most of the red
> top are the same
> size, all are top post, and the  post is centered on
> the side of the
> case rather than on the corner where the position of
> the +/- would
> matter.  I would only buy one from a store that
> would install also, to
> make sure the cables are long enough to reach the
> centered post.  They
> also make a nice crate spacer to protect the
> terminals, a necessity of
> course.  I would be looking for a high capacity
> model, but not a deep
> cycle.  I see the batteries at Pep Boys, Advance
> Auto Parts, etc, so
> someone should have a good answer,  Just don't get
> talked into some
> monkey boy  fix to make it fit. The pos cable is
> expensive to replace.
> Tom '95 S6
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