[s-cars] Optima Battery Choices

TODD KRAMER toddekramer at msn.com
Tue Sep 2 22:38:18 EDT 2003

Try optimabatterystore.com; prices are competitive and they pay shipping.
They frequently list on Ebay.

I went with a yellowtop (significant audio package in my car) and mounted it
on its side, tied down with the stock bracket (drill the hole out a bit) and
created some slack in the stock cables by removing some of the wireties ...
and then protected the terminals with covers from Kragen / Checker.

Nothing like decent cold cranking amps when it is around zero degrees at

Todd E. Kramer
toddekramer at msn.com

and for the S-list locator:
Salt Lake City, UT 84103

(801) 531-7491

'95 S6 with RS attitude and solid headrests

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