Subject: [s-cars] CV joint boot ripped

Mike Platt mplatt911 at
Wed Sep 3 08:18:32 EDT 2003

Hi Paul,

Just did my right front outer a month ago. By the
Genuine LoBro kit from a good foreign parts store. It
comes with bolt, bands, clip, boot, and grease.
Cost... about $20

Here is what you need to do( from what I remember):
1) Loosen hub bolt with car on ground.
2) Jack car up, remove tire.
3) Disconnect sway bar from body (the hardest part of
job, I felt.
4)Disconnect ball joint, I needed a pry pipe, PB
blaster, and a hammer.
5)Remove  bolt for CV joint.
6) pull shaft out
7) Put bolt back on joint and tighten to remove CV
joint from shaft
8) Put on new boot, circlip and repack joint with
9) Slide everything back on shaft. Watch those
splines, or you'll be filing them down to get them to
realign (don't ask)
10)Put joint back in hub
11) put bolt back on, snug up
12)Put ball joint back in. I used antiseize on it and
cleaned out mounting points.
13)Reconnect sway bar to body. Real tough part. I used
a jack to put pressure on bar. Two man job for me: 1
kid and I.
14) Lower car and torque bolt to specs. I think it was
150lbs plus 1/4 turn in the Bentley.

Took me about 3 hrs. If there is a way around the bar
issue, Id like to know how. I couldn't get the ball
joint out until, I did that.....or you can pay a
garage about $150 to do it all.

Good Luck.

Mike P.
95.5 S6 avant

Hello chaps,

My annual inspection has just shown that I've got a
split CV joint boot
(front left outer).  I presume the replacement method
is the same as on
the old 100 (5000 in the US).  I can't remember how
much of the
suspension I've got to dismantle - do I need to
disconnect the
bar (sway bar in the US) and the tie rod and the lower
control arm?  I
remember years ago on a VW Passat being able to remove
the drive shaft
without disconecting any of those things.

Should I replace the hub nut (or is it a bolt these

I'd be grateful for any BTDTs.


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