[s-cars] RE: NAC - cable modem vs DSL question

Daniel Hussey danh at s-cars.org
Sat Sep 6 20:35:04 EDT 2003

I just had 3 outages with my crappy Comcast service in the last week!!!!

I'm looking at alternatives.

Seattle, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon/Audi A4" <a4 at d-9.net>
To: "Scott Hinckley" <audi at thehinckleys.com>
Cc: "TM" <t44tq at mindspring.com>; "'Robert Myers'" <robert at s-cars.org>;
<s-car-list at audifans.com>; "'Quattro list'" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: [s-cars] RE: NAC - cable modem vs DSL question

> > I run my home email and a couple of friends websites off my machines, so
> > have to keep a reliable connection like DSL.
> > The sDSL was through "The River" (still in existence, but no longer
local to
> > Seattle).
> I do the same thing (in fact this email message went through my home email
> server/cable connection).  I am very happy with my cable connnection.
> Much faster than DSL and now that comcast increased the uplink I get
> pretty decent speeds from my webserver at home.
> I have had (in about 2 years of cable service) maybe 3 outages with
> comcast.  I had about 2 outages a month with DSL when I had DSL.
> YMMV, as always.
> Jon
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