[s-cars] Re: The most beautiful car of our time?

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Fri Sep 12 10:41:45 EDT 2003

But then a possible !@#@!??? diesel competitor/contender in 2004/05?


7.5 liters/per 100 km (? @ 31 mpg),
0 - 62 mph in @ 6.4 seconds,
4 door/4 seater AND "...All the comfort, space and boot volume of a

Mike "don't drink & drive, saloon not withstanding" P

~-----Original Message-----
~On Behalf Of Malcolm Kirke
~Robert Myers wrote:
~As I see it, the main problem would be the continual need to
~clean up drool lines.  That and the requirement to maintain a large supply
~of wipes for the purpose of removing the perpetual idiotic grin from the
~driver's face.
~Bob, I'm including a more than adequate supply of drool  cleaning/
~idiotic grin removing  moist towels in my luggage. Can you arrange
~delivery of your vehicle by late October ??   :-D
~Malcolm Kirke
~Phone 07 4783 6108
~P.O.Box 1244, AYR, 4807                          Mobile  0439 826108
~4/40 Wilmington Street
~AYR, Queensland, 4807, AUSTRALIA.           ICQ  13390842
~S-CAR-List mailing list
~S-CAR-List at audifans.com

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