[s-cars] Canadian S6 to US spec, a ? or two

Kris J.Pruden kpruden at speakeasy.net
Sun Sep 14 01:27:18 EDT 2003

Does the DMV require this conversion to imperial instrumentation, or is
it OK to stay with the metric gauges?  I'm going to be picking up a
Canadian-spec '95 S6 also, but registering it in California.  I'm
Canadian, though, so it'd be neat to be able to stick with the metric



On Saturday, September 13, 2003, at 07:45  AM, Kenneth Hayes wrote:

> Good point Angelo.  I tend to forget that the daytime running lights
> are
> different from the other S-cars.   They can be disabled by removing a
> relay
> under the hood IIRC (don't remember the slot number, Igor?).  I have a
> 97s6
> and the only thing that was changed was the instrument cluster for
> about
> $900 bucks with documentation of what the kilometers were at the time
> of
> change and what they changed the new odometer to so the
> mileage/kilometers
> were equivalent.  My understanding is that the new instrument cluster
> can
> only be "set" to a different odometer reading other than zero, once.
> Basically, the Canadian cars are already US spec because they are the
> same
> car that was sold in the US except the instrument cluster.  Even the
> emissions were no problem here in Colorado.
> Ken
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Angelo Alexopoulos
> Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 7:39 AM
> To: HaroldM at ttlc.net; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Canadian S6 to US spec, a ? or two
> Harold,
> I bought a 94 S4 about 3 years ago that was from Canada and the only
> thing
> that was different from the US version was the instrument cluster and
> the
> daytime running lights.
> Angelo A
> 94 S4
> 83 urq
>> From: Harold McComas <HaroldM at ttlc.net>
>> Reply-To: HaroldM at ttlc.net
>> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
>> Subject: [s-cars] Canadian S6 to US spec, a ? or two
>> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 19:10:20 -0400
>> Going to be looking at a '96 Canadian S6 that was converted to US
>> spec.
>> What was done to it to meet US specs? I'm guessing just replacing the
>> instrument cluster. If I were to register it would I have to provide
>> some documentation ? Car is currently registered in another state.
>> Thanks
>> Harold McComas
>> Manchester, NH
>> 85 VW GTI
>> 87 VW Quantum syncro wagon, hopefully replaced by an S4 or S6 soon!
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