[s-cars] Samco Hose Group Buy
Lewis, Gary M
gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com
Mon Sep 15 11:36:41 EDT 2003
Boeing in Los Angeles. I work in the beautiful San Fernando Valley (hiccup...)...
Take it easy on the K24. I ran around with mine in for a few weeks mit der 26psi Komputor, and like you, 'more or less' kept my foot of it, and the turbine ended up hitting the exhaust casting from an overspin condition (crunch).
I haven't tested it yet, but I like the idea of the hybrid(s) I'm working on. Bullet proof KKK reliability, great spool up, and the hp figures will be based on the hot side, not the cold side psi MAX, which seems to forget that hp is based on psi AND density. I think the K27 cold-side is too large for the K26-6 hotside, and just fine for a K26-8 hotside, except the K27/K26-8 combination is too big IMHO for a 2.2 liter car that will see extended street driving. Great density (You could probably run lower boost and get more hp than the K27/K26-6), but the spool-ups may be too long (read: High RPMs necessary). But having no direct experience, all I can offer is an opinion.
Gary Lewis
1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds.
1990 200TQW, K24 Turbo, 1991 TQ Intercooler, 1.8 bar, Bypass Valve, Euro's, Bilsteins, Redline in tranny and diffs, FOR SALE
-----Original Message-----
From: steve powers [mailto:steve at thepowers.net]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 8:25 PM
To: Lewis, Gary M; 'Joel Rector'; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Samco Hose Group Buy
Gary lists:
1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold,
> RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold
> side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom
> Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds.
with an email domain of boeing.com. Is this Boeing as in Seattle?
If so, there's another one of these "beasts" coming online very soon.
My 95.5 Avant is similarly equipped, but with black interior. (If you
see WA plate "GETTER", it's mine.)
The engine differences on mine will be: new head, K26/K27 turbo,
7A exh cam, lifters and Stroming exhaust - all of the other RS2 bits
are installed. Because I'm still waiting for the downpipe, we have
installed everything except the turbo. I'm still running the K24 turbo
and am noticing that it spins up much faster. I'm keeping my foot out
of it somewhat to keep from overspinning the itty bitty turbo, but it
really zips from 3K - 4K RPM. (much more so than before)
Would this be due mostly to the exhaust cam?
Suspension upgrades: new bushings and tie rod ends (thank the big reds
for pointing up the need for these), 2B camber plates (turn in? wow!
and appears to eliminate some tramlining as well), Bilsteins w/ H&R
Steve Powers
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Lewis, Gary M
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:04 PM
> To: Joel Rector; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Samco Hose Group Buy
> I'm fairly certain the $291 bucks that was just slammed on
> my CC is SAMCO HOSES!!!!! Need them BADLY, as the turbo is
> ready, which means 26psi is right aorund the corner...
> Check the archives, Bob Meyers has been really supportive
> with the info. He has submitted quite a few updates, like
> the one I attached... Gary Lewis
> 1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold,
> RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold
> side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom
> Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds.
> 1990 200TQW, K24 Turbo, 1991 TQ Intercooler, 1.8 bar, Bypass
> Valve, Euro's, Bilsteins, Redline in tranny and diffs, FOR SALE
> *************************************************************
> ****************************************************************
> Hi Y'all,
> I just got a call from Jack at ECS Tuning. Hoses for our
> orders have started dribbling into their shop. Orders will
> be filled in the order in which they were received. Now
> that's good news for me (and a few others) - mine was the
> first order and it will be shipped today! :-D Additional
> orders will be filled as more hoses arrive from Samco.
> All I can advise at this point is - patience. They are
> doing the best they can for us with the hoses as they
> arrive. There were over 50 (55?) orders placed as part of the GP.
> _____
> Gee, I though Pinocchio came from a tree not a Shrub.
> Bob
> *****
> Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
> Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
> '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
> http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm
> *****
> *************************************************************
> **************************************************************
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Rector
> [mailto:urs4 at magnaspeed.net]
> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 3:29 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Samco Hose Group Buy
> Has anyone heard anything, seen a credit card charge, or
> received their hoses yet? I haven't. Just wondering if I
> fell through the cracks or if it just hasn't happened yet.
> THanks,
> JR
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