[s-cars] URS4 Bose System replacement

Angelo Alexopoulos airs41994 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 17 18:26:10 EDT 2003

Hi all,
One of the rear speakers has bit the dust, ripped, so now I hear a ripping
sound when there is bass coming thru, and I went down to Tweeters to replace
the speakers. I wanted to go with some Boston or MB Quartz but I was told
that because I have a Bose system it uses an 8ohm system and would therefore
have to replace everything in the car....headunit and all because of the way
the car is wired up. Now, please tell me that I heard them right and this
was not some kind of sales BS. I have heard some horror stories about stock
Bose systems catching fire. Has anybody replaced every part of the sound
system? Thanks for any feedback guys.

94 S4
83 urq

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