[s-cars] URGENT - Summer tires advice

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Wed Sep 17 21:50:55 EDT 2003


I've compared prices with the Tire Rack and local sources in Canada and
the Tirerack is significantly cheaper, up to $200 CAD for a set even
after paying for shipping, duty taxes, etc. I'm fortunate as I live 10
minutes from the Washington Border. I plan to purchase a set from the
Tirerack next spring and have them drop shipped to a local installer


Sean Douglas
1997 Audi S6
MTM Stage 1+
Surrey, BC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Vincent Frégeac
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:00 PM
> To: S-Car-List at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] URGENT - Summer tires advice
> Hi all,
> Now I have found at least 3 online sources of tire in Canada,
> I have another problem. Rating of the sub-100$ summer tires
> vary a lot from a site to another. 1010tires says Dunlop
> FM901 are great when tirerack says they are scrap.
> So here is my first selection:
> 586$CDN Kuhmo ECSTA 712 Already on my car, the handling is
> perfect for my needs but confort is so-so on Quebec roads.
> 779$CDN Falken FK-451 652$CDN Dunlop FM901 717$CDN Sumi HTR+
> 735$CDN Yok AVS ES 100 I don't care about handling on snow as
> I have dedicated snow tires. Any advice, BTDT? I need to make
> a choice by tomorrow morning.
> Vincent
> ---
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