[s-cars] Noisy Stromung in the rain

Airbil at aol.com Airbil at aol.com
Wed Sep 24 01:47:59 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
First thing I think of when hearing of odd (S car) behavior in OH is that
Wavy Davy must somehow be involved;)
But really..
I used to have this problem that has since gone away after
1  Installing a V8 torsen rear diff
2  Total rebuild of rear brakes including ebrake cables, rotors, calipers.
Perhaps 'Torsenboy' or Herr Keith Maddock would chime in, but I dont think
that this is actually the exhaust but the center torsen chattering away.
I think it has something to do with water / snow causing slight traction loss
to the rear wheels which causes the torsen to chatter away.
i.e.  Rear wheels slip, ABS stops the spin, torsen transfers traction to
front wheels, rear wheels regain traction.  And the whole cycle restarts, hundreds
of times per minute.  Thus, the chattering is the center torsen trying to
make up its mind on where to deliver traction, causing noise and loss of power.
More power required means turbo builds more boost and theres your whistling
By having a rear torsen, any loss of traction is GRADUALLY transferred to the
other rear wheel BEFORE any ABS action takes place.
I too believe that this issue is accentuated by rusted old stinkin girling
calipers with rusted old ebrakes wearing out rear brakes pads/rotors and just
generally functioning as well as a Lucas electrical system.
I can't say that this is the for sure explanation, but can say that doing one
and two above has resolved the issue for me.  FWIW IIRC a V8 rear torsen is
about $400 and the rear brake rebuild is about $400 also.  This assumes you
supply the labor;)
My .02 HTH
Bill M
Fired up for my 2nd annual Road America fest this weekend.  All systems
appear to be GO:)

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