[s-cars] Noisy Stromung in the rain

Aaron aaront at cox-internet.com
Wed Sep 24 10:37:08 EDT 2003

Here in Idaho those "big drifts" are just a part of dropping the kids
off at school.........
There are a few advantages to the winters here -
its coming
te hee
AaronT- awaiting the big drifts with no noise phenomenon in Hailey

TM wrote:

>Like I mentioned previously, this occurs in very, very heavy rain or
>driving in heavy snow. :-)
>Experienced this phenomenon to a large degree while doing big 4-wheel
>drifts in
>8-10" of snow in the last really big snowstorm last winter in the NE. Of
>no one was around, only reason it was somewhat safe to do such
>foolishness as well
>as a desire to keep the car moving so as not to high-center.
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