[s-cars] (no subject)

Darin Nederhoff darin at s-cars.org
Tue Sep 30 13:19:17 EDT 2003

Well, my recent trip to Colorado had to be cut short by a few days.  I'm back in Iowa at my parent's place picking up the pieces of what was once a beautiful pearl S4.

My parents were hit early Sunday morning by a guy in a Dodge Ram truck who ran a red light.  The Ram driver was at fault and admitted it... plus there was a witness.  The result?  The S4 is gonzo.  Thankfully my parents were not seriously injured.  My father has some bruises but nothing too terrible.  My mother was on the impact side and she's banged up a bit worse. Pretty nasty bruising all over (knees etc) and a chipped tooth.  Her head actually went through the passenger side window but amazingly she was not cut up by it.

Now the battle begins with the insurance Nazis...err companies.  (I'm sorry but I have always hated auto insurance companies.)  I told my father to keep the car since there are still some decent parts left on it.  I believe the motor may be OK as the timing belt cover was not all smashed etc.  (Engine had around 106k on it if I recall and was almost clean enough to eat off of)  ;-)

OK, if you have a part request I will file them and take them in first come first serve basis.  Do not email me at this address though.  If you want something email me at audiguy at yahoo.com and I will put your name on a list and contact you when/if the part is available.

I'll post photos soon.

(Preparing to do battle with State Farm Insurance)

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