[s-cars] Re: Knock sensor failure?

Mihnea Cotet mihnea.cotet at easynet.be
Thu Apr 1 06:36:50 EST 2004

Phil, I must say I don't agree. I've BTDT in a few cases where the knock 
sensors had been overtorqued and the only effect this had is that the ECU 
wasn't seeing any knock activity when the engine was pinging like a 
churchbell. There are a few maps that the ECU is using in case of knock 
sensor activity in a 20vt ECU and I'm sure I know where they are and what 
they mean, and the ECU didn't give a damn about them although you could 
hear the engine pinging very audibly even in 3rd gear (where the load is a 
lot lower than in 6th gear for instance).

Just my 0.02,


At 09:08 1/04/2004 +0200, Phil Payne wrote:

> > I'm sure that knock sensors have failed from time to time but I would
>expect that the normal failure mode would be that it simply stop putting
>out a signal.  However, has anyone experienced a knock sensor failure in
>which the knock sensor becomes overly sensitive and reports knocking to the
>ECU when none is actually happening?
>Yes, if it's overtorqued.
>   Phil Payne
>   http://www.isham-research.com/quattro
>   +44 7785 302 803
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