[s-cars] High Pressure Hose Weeping

Igor Kessel kbattpo at verizon.net
Fri Apr 2 12:50:31 EST 2004

Mark E. Pollan wrote:
> Finally discovered what I believe to be the culprit causing my brake light
> to remain on for about 15 - 20 seconds after startup.  The foam around my
> high pressure hose is damp from hydraulic fluid.  Anybody have an old high
> pressure hose laying around I could use for a rebuild to minimize downtime
> on my ride?  And as far as rebuilds are concerned, I would prefer not to
> experiment with vendors but rather ship it to somebody who has experience
> with said rebuild.  So, for those that have had it rebuilt, can you provide
> me with the shop name, etc.

below is an excerpt from my post to the list of two mos ago. So far I am 
very happy and would highly recommend my approach. It sure beats $418 
for the new OEM piece of crap hose from Audi.


I contacted Jay over at Spokane with a few specific questions. Namely: 
my top hydraulic hose had to a) withstand over 3,000psi (4,800 
preferred) of continuous pressure and b)could they braze the swivel 
fittings to the original ends so that the hose may be adjusted on the 
car and then tightened.
Jay promptly returned my e-mail, confirmed my requirements and gave me a 
very reasonable price quote.

I Express mailed the hose to Spokane on Friday. On Saturday(!) I 
received a call on my cellphone from Jay. He advised that they had 
already rebuilt the hose per my requirements, with the exception of the 
pressure: they used a 5,000psi(!) hydraulic hose. He also mentioned that 
the price quote that they originally gave me sight-unseen was 
inaccurate, and in actuality the job cost them less than they 
anticipated so they would be charging me less than quoted! Wow!
In fact they charged me slightly more than 1/2 of the price that they 
had quoted originally!

I received the hose on Tuesday and installed it the same night. The hose 
looked like a true work of art. The swivel ends were brazed to the OEM 
Audi ends, and they even incorporated the restricter back into the hose. 
Great job, Jay! Thank you so much! From this point forward you will be 
getting all of my hydraulic hoses. I really see no reason why I should 
be paying much more for the inferior, unreliable, crimped only, 
overpriced junk that Audi sells as the OEM hydraulic hoses.

I would also like to thank Roland and Mike Arman for their posts in the 
archives that steered me in the right direction.

For the ends I used the "9263K236 Metric Viton O-Ring 2.5 mm Width, 12 
mm ID $ 6.18 per Pack This item is only sold in Packs of 10" from 
McMaster. So far, so good. No leaks.

I can hear some fast tapping noise from the hose due to the fact that I 
removed the thick rubber noise suppression tube from it prior to sending 
it out to Seattle. I wonder if foamy heat insulation tube of a suitable 
DIA that Home Depot sells for the a copper pipes would quiet it down. 
But even if it doesn't work, I can easily live with this sound. It is 
not intrusive.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros in the stable,
the third one is in the works

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